Vivian Lee

updates from a non-traditional med school journey


Hi! My name is Vivian! I am a 30-something adult-in-denial residing in the Houston-Galveston area. I’m from Austin, Texas originally and have spent some great years in Boston and Dallas/Fort Worth. I have three siblings that are way smarter than I can ever dream of being: Victoria, Vincent, and Viennie. Yes, the V’s were intentional.

I’m currently a first-year medical student at The University of Texas Medical Branch. I’m also a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and continue working in utilization review for several private companies. I hold an M.A. in Counseling from Texas State University and a B.S. in Economics & Management Science from MIT. A big focus of my career is training and education, and I continue to give back by interviewing UTMB and MIT applicants, as well as serving as the curriculum representative for my medical school class.

This site serves as my updates timeline, akin to what Twitter used to be back in the 2008 :) For more about me, please visit my main website.